Making the Boss a Content Marketing Believer

Ian Truscott, Global Head of Marketing, Censhare AG
Despite content marketing being an established marketing practice for almost a decade now, in many organizations, especially B2B, it is still seen as a tactic as opposed to a solid pillar of their marketing strategy. Many marketers struggle to get their business leaders to shift their traditional views of what marketing should do, toward a strategic content marketing approach.
When consulted, the c-suite sees content production, the busy work of hamster wheel marketing, going on in the business and think that theses random acts of content are content marketing and are baffled by the request of a strategic change of the budget, people, processes and tools which this strategic approach requires.
In this practical session, Ian Truscott, shares his experience of working with senior executives, from leading both global B2B marketing teams and a content marketing consulting practice, and frequently making the case for content marketing investment. Demonstrating how tying content marketing to the business objectives of increasing awareness, revenue and trust, creates a proven, content strategy which delivers.